
Monday, August 04, 2014

All Day Donuts

July 19, 2014

Twitter and Facebook went a bit crazy the weekend we got back from our overseas jaunt, with everyone suddenly obsessed by a pop-up doughnut shop tucked into the back streets of Melbourne. With photos of massive queues, we decided to bide our time for a few weeks, finally stopping in after the hype had died down. The shop in question is All Day Donuts, a semi-permanent home for Raph Rashid (of Beatbox and Taco Truck fame) to sell a selection of iced doughy treats.

There are six doughnuts to choose from and it seems as though they're going to focus on getting these six flavours spot on rather than rotating their options regularly. We took home a sampler of four (clockwise from top left): jaffa, coffee glaze with passionfruit curd and choc rubble, strawberry cheesecake and lime brulee ($5 each). First up, the price: $5 for a doughnut is a bit nuts, although it seems to be the going rate if my research into Melbourne's other fancy doughnut shops is to be believed. These make a pretty good fist of living up to the expense though - the dough is fresh and soft and the icing and curd combos work reasonably well. The lime brulee is the clear standout - the sourness of the lime flavour cutting through the sweetness that overwhelms the jaffa and the strawberry cheesecake.

We've been on a bit of a doughnut binge lately - these were much better than the Voodoo version (although there's nothing vegan on offer here), but not as cute as our Japanese treats. With fancy filter coffee on offer and a very Brunswick vibe, I'm sure All Day Donuts will be a roaring success - given the price and sweetness though, we'll probably keep them as a sometimes food. They're only open Friday-Sunday at the moment, but there's talk of dinner options and longer hours in the future.

Melbourne Food Snob, My Backyard and Ordinary girl, extraordinary dreamer loved what All Day Donuts had to offer, while Ebezilla's Food Blog and erin maynie, everyday had the same kind of mixed response that we did.
All Day Donuts
12 Edward St, Brunswick
8060 6664
donuts $5 

Accessibility: There's a small step up to a pretty spacious interior. Service is at a low counter.


  1. Hmmmmmmm I'm not sure how willing I am to pay $5 for a single doughnut, no matter how fancy. HMMMMM.

    1. Hayley - let you decision be determined by your loyalty to lime curd (and your ability/laziness for making your own).

  2. Oh bummer, I just got back from a weekend in Melbourne and I would totally have gone looking for these! Ain't nobody does donuts like Melbs.

    1. Hi vegeTARAian! Oh well, I'm sure you didn't go hungry for good veg food regardless. ;-)

  3. I love donuts but I'm not a huge fan of the iced variety. The classic jam donut or the cinnamon and sugar variety are more to my taste.

    1. Elizabeth - I know what you mean! It's the curd/custard inside these that interests me most.

  4. Just wondering were these donuts egg free and didn't contain any animal fat?

    1. Hi Anon - to the best of my knowledge, they do contain dairy and at least some would involve eggs (e.g. the passionfruit curd above). I'd recommend that you get more info by contacting these guys directly through their website:
