
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Elvis waffles

August 26, 2012


This breakfast is basically a dare. Michael joked that I could stuff some leftover coconut bacon into waffles, I was reminded of an Elvis cake that Lisa made earlier this year and, as if to spite Michael and common decency itself, I vowed to make Elvis waffles.

The formula wasn't all that complicated. I made the peanut butter waffle batter from Vegan Brunch, stirred in some coconut bacon, made an unholy mess with the waffle iron, then topped my waffle with a banana and slosh of maple syrup.

And it was... fine. Not amazing, not awful. It tasted like the things it was made of; they didn't clash revoltingly, they didn't meld into something new. While the concept was good for a laugh, the flavour of this dish was slightly less than the sum of its parts. That is, I think waffles and coconut bacon can both do so much more in other separate incarnations.


  1. probably just as well it wasn't amazing as it just seems an unhealthy breakfast - though your version is probably so much healthier than elivis's. I found that coconut bacon is great when it works but weird when it doesn't!

    1. Johanna - yes, although it seems ridiculously unhealthy it wasn't terrible! There's very little oil involved.

  2. Perhaps if the peanut butter was melted all over the top, as I'm wont to do... ;)

    1. Ha! I did actually find that the peanut butter in the waffle gave it a crumbly texture, we'd probably both be better off melting it over the top instead. :-)

  3. Oh so so so heavenly gorgeous! I tried your version (it made a mess too)'s mine:

    1. Hey chompandslurp - that's some nice work. Glad to spread the waffle love around. :-)
