
Monday, November 14, 2011

Carrot fritters

November 7, 2011
Ten carrots in the vege box! While we eat carrots incidentally just about every week, this quantity called for more deliberate measures. My officemate, who buys a vege box from the same company, mentioned that she'd been making carrot fritters with hers and just a couple of days later, a carrot fritter recipe turned up on Delicieux. Perfect!

I subbed parsley in for the fresh coriander, since that turned up in the box too, but otherwise stayed faithful to the original recipe. There's not really a batter here, just enough eggs and flour to cling to the grated carrot. I was worried about these patties holding together, but once in the pan the fritters developed a nice crust and flipped pretty easily. They are a teensy bit delicate, though, so treat them gently.

We ate our carrot fritters with a squeeze of lemon and some stir-fried bok choy in vegetarian oyster sauce. They're surprisingly sweet, and not nearly as starchy as most other root vegetables.

Carrot fritters
(adapted slightly from Delicieux)

7 small-medium carrots, grated
6 spring onions, finely chopped
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup plain flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons oil

In a large bowl, stir together the carrots, spring onion, cumin, coriander, parsley, garlic, flour and salt. Stir through the beaten eggs until everything is thoroughly combined.

Heat the oil in a large frying pan, and line a plate or tray with absorbent paper. Spoon the mixture into the pan a couple tablespoonfuls at a time, flattening each portion into a disc. Fry these fritters for a couple of minutes on each side, until lightly browned, then transfer them to the absorbent paper to rest before serving.


  1. Your fritters look lovely!!! I am so glad you enjoy the fritters as much as we did. It's a great versatile batter too, that you can use with other vegetables. Great for when you have an abundance thanks those wonderful farmers boxes!

  2. great idea for farmers box goodies - vegies always seem nicer when fried up this way - I tend to buy a bag of carrots and then search for ways to use them - soups and roasted carrot hummus are where they have been going lately

  3. These look so yummy and super-crispy! Reminds me of the Indian Vada and Pakoda :)

  4. ohhhh these look so good. I am so happy because i literally just bought the biggest bag of carrots! now i know what to do with them, i'll let you know how they go!

  5. These look great! Any idea if they would work gluten free? Thinking of subbing the flour for chickpea flour or potato starch (or mix of both as they are in my cupboard following the successful making of a pea fritter recipe topped with haloumi)

  6. Thanks everyone, especially Jennifer for such a simple and successful recipe. :-)

    Amanda - I think chickpea flour is a great idea! I might try it myself next time. Let me know if you give it a go in the meantime.

  7. thanks for sharing, I've got tonnes of carrots in my vegie box too! I'll be making the fritters some times this week :)
