
Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 19, 2011: Little Deer Tracks

Update 15/06/2023: Little Deer Tracks is now closed.

Coburg's bringing the cute cafe culture! ElegantGourmand kindly pinged us when he dined at newly opened Little Deer Tracks, north of Bell St. Though I didn't care for the twee name, I wasn't going to turn my nose up at an all-vegetarian cafe. Michael and I took to the Upfield bike path the following weekend to check it out.

Italian-style restaurants are rarely places to excite vegetarians (pasta in napoli sauce or risotto with suspiciously-sourced stock, anyone?) but this menu has plenty of "ooh, I want that!" options - crumbed and fried fennel with lemon aioli, a warm beetroot salad, eggplant balls, even the standard risotto looks good! (It's made with broad beans and saffron.) Impressively, all the cheese is rennet free. On the face of it there's not a lot for vegans, but the kitchen will adapt a number of items on request... and they've got vegan lamingtons in the cake display, so there's that. I think there's been a lot more vegan interest than they expected on opening so hopefully the range will only improve over time.

The other pleasant surprise was that The Quince Poacher spotted us and said hi! She's one smart cookie, posting her thorough review in advance of The Age's coverage.

I tried the gnocchi with Red Hill blue goats cheese, rocket and walnuts ($17.50) from the specials board. When it arrived, I thought it looked pretty gluggy. Happily it was not - the gnocchi pieces were quite light and held together just enough, the cheese had that bit of bite, and the walnuts provided some crunch. Even if it wasn't gluggy, it was enormously rich. I would have been a happier luncher if I'd had, say half or two-thirds the quantity of gnocchi with a big handful of peppery rocket on the side. But it's not the done thing, is it?

Michael had the less-typically-Italian black bean pie with mash and broccoli salad (aka steamed broccoli, $14.50 all up). This got two thumbs up - excellent pastry with a good meaty filling and simple sides that complemented the feature food well.

The staff were very friendly and informative, even chatty. They've got everything to be cheery about - this is a very pleasant eatery, in a neighbourhood with an increasing demand for such things, offering a vegetarian menu that will appeal to many omnivores besides. We'll certainly be back, in cycle-friendly weather.

Little Deer Tracks has already been reviewed by The Quince Poacher.

Little Deer Tracks
44 O'Hea St, Coburg
9354 3449
veg lunches $7.50-17.50

Accessibility: This cafe has a flat wide entrance. The furniture's a little crowded up front but there's more space behind the counter (and I think enough room to get, say, a wheelchair or pram through). Service is all at the table. ETA 15/01/2011: see Marilyn's further comments below regarding accessibility - looks good!


  1. can't wait to try this place - was excited when quince poacher reviewed it and had been hoping to hear you would like it in your review - am thinking I would like to try the pie. I guess I could try sylvia on the mash which she sometimes loves at home - do they have chips - I always know she will eat these!

  2. So glad we both liked the gnocchi - I've been wondering what your verdict would be. We'll definitely be back for a return visit. It was lovely to meet you both and thanks for the link back.

  3. Hope you like it, Johanna! I know it's in your neighbourhood. :-) No chips, I'm afraid, but a friend with a little one Sylvia's age did comment that they're very child friendly.

    QP - I was wondering what you thought of the gnocchi too. :-D Again, lovely to meet you - I'm so glad you introduced yourself!

  4. went here today and found that the hash browns are almost like chips - I suspect sylvia would have eaten them if I didn't order her toast as well

  5. Mmmm, I love a good hash brown! We'll have to try their breakfast next time.

  6. You can get a wheelchair into the cafe. I regularly take my mum out of a nearby aged care facility and we usually sit up the back but have also sat at the front quite easily. They are extremely elder person-friendly too. We love the mushroom arancini, beetroot ravioli, spinach and ricotta cannelloni, all day breakfast and mum loves their hot chocolate.

    1. Marilyn - thanks for sharing your direct experience with the accessibility of this cafe! It sounds like you've had some lovely meals there with your mum.
