
Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 11, 2008: My edible birthday

On turning 28, my friend, colleague and fellow maths-nerd Alana reminded me that my new age is a perfect number. As if that's not enough to be pleased about, take a look at the food-themed gifts I've been treated to, to celebrate the occasion.

This cute card arrived in the mail from my brother, Liam.

Michael's mum, Robyn, posted me this brand new recipe calendar to replace the 2008 World In Your Kitchen Calendar that she bought us for Christmas last year. This time she designed and printed her own calendar full of vegetarian recipes! I'm impressed and mighty chuffed that she went to that effort - you can be sure that this blog will document us testing each recipe throughout the year.

Yes, it's Veganomicon! The ultimate reference for vegan cooking, source of the fabulous chickpea cutlet. Michael picked it out after a little internet research, and offered to cook me my choice of dinner from it on Friday night. I can't wait to get my teeth into more of these cruelty-free recipes in the coming weeks and months.

But he didn't stop there. Michael also tucked away some sweet little earrings and badges amongst a bag full of newspaper. The newspaper concealed this vintage drink set! I'll swizzle up Pimm's punch all summer, if only the weather warms up.

My December birthday melds most agreeably into Christmas. I spent the afternoon lazing around a barbecue and playing bocce with my lab-mates while in Dr Who-themed costume - that's what passes for an office Christmas party 'round these parts. And I think there's at least one more fabulous food-themed gift on its way to me. During the planning and parties of these few weeks, I'm looking forward to my turn to do the giving.


  1. Happy belated birthday. I'm dec 11 too!

  2. Happy birthday, Cindy!

    That is a truly adorable jug and cup set. Perfect for summer cocktails!

    Frankly, a Doctor Who themed Christmas party sounds like the ultimate in Christmas parties. Lucky!

  3. Yay for Cindy!

    For your gift, I present to you one veggie-loving kitty: Enjoy!

  4. Happy birthday!! Lovely range of gifts!

    xox Sarah

  5. Happy B Day Cindy, how awesome is that vintage jug set!!

    I only wish my boyfriend got me awesome presents like that :)

  6. happy birthday cindy - I can foresee lots of interesting posts coming from these presents (including what you put in that very chic jug and glasses set!) - but am disappointed not to have photos of the Dr Who themed Christmas do - sounds like fun :-)

  7. Happy birthday, Cindy! Looks like you got some great gifts. :)

  8. Happy belated birthday! I'm a December baby too, I'm 34 tomorrow. Rather hoping for a copy of Veganomicon myself!


  9. Ha! A belated happy birthday to you too, Ed. :-)

    Thanks, Hayley. I'm actually not sure how the Dr Who theme came about, but it suited me well and was a lot of fun!

    Heh, thanks Dmargster. :-) I watched it at work, lest Michael get ideas about giving me a kitten for Christmas...

    Thanks, Sarah - I am lucky. :-)

    Hiya, SW Female - Michael totally rocks gift selection, he has always surprised me with cool stuff!

    Thanks, Johanna. Since you're interested, you can take a peek at some of the costumes here. Sadly there are no shots (yet) of me with a time beetle stuck to my back as I was behind the camera all afternoon.

    Thanks, Agnes!

    Thanks, Abs, and happy birthday to you too! I hope today brings you Veganomicon or at least another nice surprise. :-)

  10. Hapy Birthday Cindy (belatedly) from a fellow Sag (I'm the 13th : ) )

  11. Happy VERY belated birthday Cindy. Mine was on the 16th. So many people with birthdays in december!!

  12. Dani and Maria - thank you! I hope you December girls had special days too. :-)

  13. Happy very belated birthday Cindy!

    Sounds like you were rightly spoilt silly with lovely gits- like the card too!

    Wow there's a curiously large number of Sagittarian food bloggers around or so it seems! I'm pretty early on- Nov 28, but just celebrated Magic G's bday over the weekend too(need to post soon!)

  14. Thanks, M's nemesis! I hope your birthday was a great one too. I had no idea there were so many of us hanging out at this end of the birthday calendar, either. :-)
