
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

About where's the beef?

where's the beef? is a blog of our edible exploits inside and out of our Melbourne home. We joyfully eat our greens, but here you are equally likely to read about the city's best not-dogs or what's just come out of our ice-cream maker. You can expect a new post every day or two 'cause we've got an insatiable appetite for new dishes. However a few prejudices endure - Cindy's olive aversion is matched only by Michael's hatred of bananas.

A potted history

2000 - Michael & Cindy bond over maths, music and The Simpsons in Brisbane.

2004 - Share-housing with two vegetarians in collegetown USA reveals a wide array of delicious meat-free eating. Michael joins the club, Cindy follows five weeks later. Most friends and family can't imagine what they're eating.

early 2006 - Happy Cow and other corners of the internet ensure access to fantastic vegetarian dining throughout a month-long journey around Europe. Friends and family finally find out what they're eating, because 40% of the photos that Cindy sends back are of food.

mid-2006 - Michael & Cindy move to Melbourne, buy a Cheap Eats guide and get blogging. They owe the internet and any vegos visiting Melbourne a debt of recommendations.

For our favourite flavours, take a look at where's the best?

Or drop us a line at wheresthebeef_blog[at]


  1. You two look quite similar in this pic : )

  2. Ha! Michael and I have many things in common, but I can assure you that DNA isn't one of them. :-)
