Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wild mushroom tacos & summer corn salad

April 16, 2012

Cindy and I had planned a Sunday cooking extravaganza with Lisa, Lucy and Gill making delicious treats from Heidi Swanson's Super Natural Every Day, but everyone else fell ill or double-booked themselves, so we were on our own. We'd done our shopping already, so on Monday night we went ahead with a cut-down version, making wild mushroom tacos from the cookbook and a corn salad from Heidi's blog.

The mushroom tacos are super simple (especially if you lazily use packet tortillas). Just buy yourself some fancy wild mushrooms (we got some slippery jacks and pine mushrooms from the markets, plus some basic field mushrooms) and fry them up with onion, garlic and chilli. Sprinkle them with Mexican oregano and serve in the tortillas with a sprinkle of parmesan on top. Earthy and delicious.


The corn salad is similarly straightforward, and its crunchy tartness worked perfectly with the heartier mushrooms. These were both excellent recipes - simple combinations of a few ingredients and flavours that you can whip up after work without too much trouble.


Summer corn salad
(adapted slightly from a recipe from 101 Cookbooks)

4 cobs corn, shucked with the kernels shaved off the cob
A small handful of chives, sliced finely
1 1/2 cups of toasted pepitas and sunflower seeds
1 teaspoon of Mexican oregano

1/3 cup lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons brown sugar
3 tablespoons sunflower oil

Stir the corn kernels and chives together in a bowl.

Mix the lemon juice, salt and sugar together in a separate bowl. Drizzle in the sunflower oil, whisking like crazy until everything all comes together.

Add the seeds and the dressing to the corn and toss, making sure everything is nicely coated.

Sprinkle the oregano over the top, toss and serve.


  1. Sorry I couldn't be there. It's been a monumental case of gastro and only now returning to some semblance of normal eating over a week later. I made a version of Heidi's tacos with Asian mushrooms and smoked tofu over summer and loved them.

    Here's to another cook day over autumn that we can all make it to!

    1. AOF - I'm glad you've finally recovered, it sounds like a horrible week! The weather ended up being so lovely that it was nice to head outside when we were scheduled to be in the kitchen.

      Let's try again when the weather is grim and we'll all be happy to gather around an oven. :-)

  2. As simple as it is, that corn salad looks pretty darn delicious. How fantastic is corn?!

    1. I'm with you, Mattheworbit - corn rocks. Michael will mildly protest, but CORN ROCKS.
